Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Receiving Blog Awards.....

Its been my honor to receive some blog awards in the past couple of months.
I actually find it hard to believe that I've gotten awards but I'm very pleased that my ramblings are being read and hopefully helping or at the very least entertaining other bloggers!
A dear friend that I've known forever and trust completely gave me high praise, because he never says things lightly, saying that I was very good at writing my blog...that I had a knack for it. That sometimes blogs didn't make sense but mine did.
Needless to say with that and the blogging awards I've received......I'm feeling pretty darn good......LOL.

Today I found out that I was picked with several other great blogs as "A Shining Blog".

My thanks go out to Lynda from My Heart's Desire for featuring this blog of mine...and she even made me my own blog button!!
So cool!!!

Here's my button:
I just love that pile of old books.....its so me......
My friend, Renee, was also featured...go check out her button on her blog...
My Parenting Adventures, Some Cooking Too

A while back Tracy from A Slice of Smith Life passed along three awards to my blog and 6 others. I have to actually sit down and write up my answers to questions and pass these awards on to 7 blogs that I enjoy. For now I wanted to acknowledge the awards and thank Tracy here.
Thank you Tracy!!

My first awards........so cool.................Thank you very much ladies. I'm very grateful.

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