Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Being a blog judge

A while back I was asked to be a judge for Really Good Stuff's Teacher Blog Contest.
I was thrilled, it sounded like fun...

...you guys aren't making it easy...not by a long shot!

This is going to be tougher than I thought. I'm honored to have been asked and to be an "official" anything in any way shape or form!
I can also say that I'm learning an awful lot about blog design along the way, it will certainly help this blog after I'm done the judging part. I really can't say much more about it right now, I don't feel that it would be fair to say more than what I have already.

As for Really Good Stuff's website/company - I frequent it a lot - on Facebook, on their blog.
So, here's the website for buying all the stuff for teaching -
Really Good Stuff Website

Blog - where you can read more about the contest and lots more.

And last but not least - Facebook
Really Good Stuff Facebook 

Good Luck to all those that have been nominated!
I'm hard at work in my catagory looking at your sites....

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